Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Remembering Mon

I was still sleeping in the morning when May called me downstairs and told me that Mon was hurt. Dazed and confused, I went down to checked and it was true. He was bitten so badly, he was bleeding all over and his tiny eyes were so swollen, he couldn't really opened his eyes. I then quickly separated both the rats. And later that day, went out to purchase some extra things for the other cage. When I checked on hin, I noticed that he hadn't moved from his spot since morning. I was worried, but I wasn't sure if I should bring him to the vet, since he was already close to 2 years old. Later that night, I noticed his breathing rhythm was slowing, and I had this sinking feeling in my heart.

Mon stopped breathing at 10pm.

Though he's just a rat, we are going to miss him very much.

Just took this on Monday. He fell asleep on my hand..

When Mon was still active and is always running on his wheel

The little container we put his little body in.

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